
KUSANAGI initialization
Set or change the user passwords of Linux and databases in the KUSANAGI virtual machine.

Command Line

kusanagi init


--tz TZ Designate TZ as timezone.This string is case-insensitive。
Also, timezone will be define as “Asia/Tokyo” even the string is not incomplete such as “Toky”.
Designate multi or numerous timezone will cause the error occurred.
If didn’t designate Option--tz as timezone, select the timezone as interactive behavior.
--lang [en|ja] Select your language.
Designate en will defined as en_US.UTF-8. Further, designate ja will defined as ja_JP.UTF-8.
--keyboard [en|ja] Configure keyboard layout.Designate en or ja.
Designate us keyboard with Option--keyboard en.Further, designate ja keyboard(jp106) with Option--lang ja.
If didn’t designate Option--keyboard as keyboard, select the keyboard as interactive behavior.
--passwd password |
--kusanagi-pass password
Configure KUSANAGI user password.
If didn’t designate --passwd either --kusanagi-pass as password, configure a password as interactive behavior.
--phrase phrase |
--kusanagi-phrase phrase |
If designate Option--phrase either--kusanagi-phrase, configure the phrase with kusanagi SSH user’s key phrase as interactive behavior.
Configure the phrase at least more then 5 more letters.
If didn’t designate Option--nophrase either--no-phrase,user kusanagi SSH user’s key phrase will configure as blank string.
When designate this option (--phrase,--kusanagi-phrase, --nophrase,--no-phrase) in same time, even designate option afterward also would be effective.
When didn’t designate this Option (--phrase,--kusanagi-phrase, --nophrase,--no-phrase), configure SSH user’s key phrase as interactive behavior.
--dbrootpass password Designate MySQL root’s password.
This password should be designate by using 「A~Z,a~z,0~9,.,!,#,%,+,_,-」and at least more then 8 letters
When didn’t designate this Option --dbrootpass ,configure MySQL root password as interactive behavior.
--nginx | --httpd Designate to active server.If designate to NGINX, enter --nginx to execute, enter --httpd to active Apache2 server.
If designate Option --nginx,--httpd in the same time, the previous option only will be execute.
If didn’t designate Option --nginx,--httpd, designate to active server as interactive behavior.
--hhvm | --php8 | --php7 | --php5 Designate to active the application server.Enter --hhvm to active HHVM, enter --php8 to active PHP8, , enter --php7 to active PHP7, enter --php5 to active PHP-FPM(PHP5).
If designate Option --hhvm,--php8,--php7,--php5 in the same time, the previous option only will be execute.
If didn’t designate Option --hhvm,--php8,--php7,--php5 ,designate to active application server as interactive behavior.


For more details, please refer to KUSANAGI Initialization

provision [profile]

WordPress Provision
A profile created by KUSANAGI for WordPress installation. Web server configuration , document root will provision in this profile.


kusanagi provision [options] profile


--WordPress|--wordpress WordPress Provision
Even didn’t enter the following options --concrete5,-c5,--drupal8,--drupal,--lamp,--LAMP ,will be automatic provisioning with WordPress.
If designate the following Option --WordPress,--wordpress,--concrete5,-c5,--drupal8,--drupal,--lamp,--LAMP multiple times, the latest designated option only would be effective.
--concrete5|--c5 Provision with Concrete5
--drupal8|--drupal Provision with Drupal8
--lamp|--LAMP Provision with LAMP(Linux+NGINX+MySQL+PHP) or LEMP(Linux+NGINX+MySQL+PHP).
--wplang [en_US|ja] Only effective while WordPress is provisioning.
Designate to en_US will able to choose language while WordPress installing.
Designate to ja will install WordPress Japanese version WordPress.
If didn’t designate Option--wplang, will configure en_US either ja as interactive behavior.
--WooCommerce|--woo Only effective while WordPress is provisioning.
Designate Option --WooCommerce or --woo will install WooCommerce in the same time while WordPress installing.
While configuring --wplang ja ,or installing by Japanese language as interactive behavior. WooCommerce Japanese package, WooCommerce plugin for Japan, GMO permanent plugin will be installing in the same time.
--fqdn hostname Designate the hostname(FQDN) for profile.When Designate is specified, the host name is set in the web server configuration file and /etc/hosts file.
If didn’t designate Option--fqdn, will configure the hostname as interactive behavior.
--email Email address|
Designate Option --email , using the designated email to issue Let’s Encrypt ssl certificate.
If designate Option --noemail either --no-email, Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate won’t issue.
Designated the following Options --email、--noemail、--no-email mulitiple times,the latest designated only will be effective.
If didn’t designated Option --email、--noemail、--no-email, will configure the email address as interactive behavior.
--dbname database name Using designate database name create a new database.
Configure database name by 「A~Z、a~z、0~9、.、_、-」and the letters should be between 3~64.
If didn’t designate Options --dbname, will configure database name as interactive behavior.
--dbuser DB username Designate to database username to access to database which created previously.
Configure the DB username by「A~Z、a~z、0~9、.、_、-」and should be between 3~16 letters.
If didn’t designate Option--dbuser, configure DB username as interactive behavior.

--dbpass DB password Configure the DB password as DB user.
Configure the DB password 「A~Z、a~z、0~9、.、!、#、%、+、_、-」and at least more than 8 letters.
If didn’t designate Option --dbpass, configure DB password as interactive password.
profile Random to designate profile.


Please refer to 『WordPress Provision』


Show the current status of KUSANAGI.

Command Line

kusanagi status




# kusanagi status                                                                                                                         
Profile: [プロファイル]
Type: WordPress
KUSANAGI Version 8.0.0

*** nginx ***
● nginx.service - The NGINX HTTP and reverse proxy server
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-09-07 11:51:22 JST; 6h ago

*** Apache2 ***
● httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

*** HHVM ***
● hhvm.service - HHVM virtual machine, runtime, and JIT for the PHP language
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/hhvm.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-09-07 11:51:22 JST; 6h ago

*** php-fpm ***
● php-fpm.service - The PHP FastCGI Process Manager
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

*** php7-fpm ***
● php7-fpm.service - The PHP FastCGI Process Manager
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/php7-fpm.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

*** Cache Status ***

fcache off
bcache off

The contents should be like the following.

  • Profile
    Current Profile
  • Type
    カレントプロファイルのプロファイルタイプ(WordPress, concrete5, drupal8, lampのいずれかが入る)。
  • KUSANGI Version
    Current version of KUSANAGI.
  • VMイメージ名
  • *** nginx ***
    NGINXのステータス。起動しているときは、Active行にrunning が表示される。
  • *** Apache2 ***
    Apache2(httpd)のステータス。起動しているときは、Active行にrunning が表示される。
  • *** HHVM ***
    HHVMのステータス。起動しているときは、Active行にrunning が表示される。
  • *** PHP-FPM ***
    PHP-FPM(PHP5)のステータス。起動しているときは、Active行にrunning が表示される。
  • *** PHP7 ***
    PHP7のステータス。起動しているときは、Active行にrunning が表示される。
  • fcache
    fcache がon か off かを表示する。
  • bcache
    bcache がon か off かを表示する。プロビジョンタイプがWordPress以外の場合、もしくはWordPressの初期設定を行っていない場合は表示されない。


Warm up HHVM by having it access itself a few times.
* Only available when using HHVM.

Command Line

kusanagi warm-up




# kusanagi warm-up
http:///  ############

target [profile]

Change the target profile for “warm-up”, “bcache”, and “update” commands.

Command Line

kusanagi target [profile]





# kusanagi target


# kusanagi target saya
Target is changed to saya

update [plugin|cert {profile}]

Update KUSANAGI WordPress plugins or SSL Certificate of Let’s Encrypt.

Command Line

kusanagi update plugin
kusanagi update cert kusanagi_html


plugin | cert {profile}



# kusanagi update plugin

カレントプロファイルもしくは指定したプロファイルの、Let’s Encrypt SSL証明書を更新します。
Let’s Encrypt SSL証明書を発行していないときは、何もしません。

# kusanagi update cert kusanagi

remove [-y] [profile]


Command Line

kusanagi remove
kusanagi remove -y kusanagi_html


[-y] -y を指定しない場合、設定ファイル、DocumentRoot、データベースを削除する際に、y/nを入力します。
-y を指定する場合、y/n を入力することなくすべて削除します。
[profile] profileを指定した場合、指定したプロファイルを削除します。profileを指定しない場合は、カレントプロファイルを削除します。Delete the profile after designated a new profile.


# kusanagi remove kusanagi_html
Remove kusanagi_html config files ? [y/n] y
Remove /home/kusanagi/kusanagi_html ? [y/n] y
Remove kusanagi_html database ? [y/n] y


Switch to using nginx. Restart nginx by this command if nginx is already working.

Command Line

kusanagi nginx




# kusanagi nginx
use nginx
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/httpd.service.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nginx.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service.


Switch to using Apache.

Command Line

kusanagi httpd




# kusanagi httpd
use httpd
Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status httpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nginx.service.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/httpd.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.


Switch to using HHVM.

Command Line

kusanagi hhvm




# kusanagi hhvm
use hhvm
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/php7-fpm.service.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/hhvm.service to /etc/systemd/system/hhvm.service.


Switch to using PHP8. Restart PHP8 this command if PHP8 is already working.

Command line

kusanagi php8




# kusanagi php8
use php8
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/php-fpm.service.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/php8-fpm.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/php8-fpm.service.


Switch to using PHP7. Restart PHP7 this command if PHP7 is already working.

Command line

kusanagi php7




# kusanagi php7
use php7
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/php-fpm.service.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/php7-fpm.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/php7-fpm.service.


Switch to using php-fpm.

Command Line

kusanagi php-fpm




# kusanagi php-fpm
use php-fpm
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/hhvm.service.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/php-fpm.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service.


Restart the enabled services those KUSANAGI provides(nginx, Apache, HHVM, php8, php7, php5)

Command Line

kusanagi restart




# kusanagi restart


Turn on, off or clear bcache.

Command Line

kusanagi bcache [on|off|clear]


on Turn on bcache.
off Turn off bcache.
clear Clear bcache.


Turn on, off and clear for fcache. Turning on will switch to Nginx.

Command Line

kusanagi fcache [on|off|clear]


on Turn on fcache. Will switch to nginx.
off Turn off fcache.
clear Clear fcache.


Optimize the settings of KUSANAGI.
Run in case of an instance change after setting up KUSANAGI.

Command Line

kusanagi configure



setting --fqdn FQDN [profile]

(KUSANAGI 7.8.2 or higher)
Change the host name during provision.

Command Line

kusanagi setting --fqdn host.example.com saya


--fqdn Specific host name with FQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name).
profile Input profile name.Skip this procedure to continue using current profile.

setting --fqdn FQDN [profile]

provision 時に指定したホスト名(FQDN)を変更します。

Command Line

kusanagi setting --fqdn host.example.com saya


--fqdn 変更するホスト名をFQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name)で指定します
profile 対象のプロファイルを入力します。省略時はカレントプロファイルを使用します。

ssl [options] [profile]

Configure SSL related settings for current profile or specified profile.

Command Line

kusanagi ssl --email john@example.com saya


--email email address It will issue SSL certificate of Let’s Encrypt. Enter the email address to use for contact from Let’s Encrypt.
When SSL certificate of Let’s Encrypt is successfully issued, it activates automatic update of SSL certificate.
--cert [Certificate file] --key [key file] Copies the specified certificate file and key file and sets it as SSL certificate.
The options --cert and --key must be set at the same time.
This option can not be used with option --email at the same time.
--https [redirect|noredirect] Configure 301 redirect for HTTP to HTTPS.
After specifying redirect, activate the sending of a header directing 301 permanent redirects.
Once you specify noredirect, you enable sending 301 headers directing 301 permanent redirects.
--hsts [off|weak|mid|high] HSTS(HTTP Strict Transport Security)の設定を有効にします。
off : Disable HSTS.
weak: Enable HSTS. (It does not include the subdomain of the specified host name (FQDN).)
mid : Enable HSTS. (Includes the subdomain of the specified host name (FQDN), not using the preload HSTS.)
high: Enable HSTS. (Includes the subdomain of the specified host name (FQDN), use Preload HSTS.)
When setting high (using Preload HSTS), register the domain name in HSTS Preload list registration site .
In order to set it from “high” once, in order to set it other than “high”, it is necessary not only to change the setting with the option --hsts but also to cancel preload HSTS registration on a mail basis.
For details, refer to the item “Removal” of HSTS Preload List Registration Site .
--auto [on|off] Enable / disable automatic updating of certificate of Let’s Encrypt.
If on is specified, Let’s Encrypt’s automatic certificate renewal is enabled.
If off is specified, invalidate certificate automatic updating of Let’s Encrypt.
This option will not do anything if you are not using a Let’s Encrypt certificate.
profile Enter the target profile. When it is omitted, the current profile is used.

https [redirect|noredirect]

(KUSANAGI 7.8.2 or higher)
Enable or disable the permanent redirect (301) to HTTPS from HTTP.

Command Line

kusanagi https redirect


redirect Enable the permanent redirect 301
noredirect Disable the permanent redirect 301

autorenewal [on|off]

(KUSANAGI 7.8.2 or higher)
Enable or disable the auto-renewal of Let’s Encrypt certificates

Command Line

kusanagi autorenewal off


on Enable auto-renewal
off Disable auto-renewal (Run this command to use an OV or EV SSL certificate)

images [options] [profile]

Optimize JPEG/PNG files below the sepecified directories. Use this command to reduce the size of existing JPEG/PNG files. Replace the image size, quality, number of colors, etc. for files with the following extensions jpg, jpeg, JPG, JPEG, png, PNG.

kusanagi images --dir wp-contents/uploads --quality 80 --resize 1280x1024 --color 256 --user kusanagi:kusanagi --mode 0644

Command Line

kusanagi images saya


--dir|--directory directory1[:directory2:…] Specify the target directory. To specify multiple directories, separate them with “:”.
Both absolute and relative paths can be specified as directories. If the directory name is
relative, it is relative to the profile directory (/home/kusanagi/profile_name/Document‐
Root). If you omit the directory name as an argument, or if you do not specify this
option, Specity wp-contents/uploads as the target directory.

kusnagi images --dir /home/kusanagi/kusanagi_html/DocumentRoot/wp-contents/themes:wp-contents/uploads saya
--jpg|--jpeg It targets JPEG files (files with extension .jpg, .jpeg, .JPG, .JPEG). If both the --png
option is specified or both options are not specified, both JEPG file and PNG file are targeted.
--png It targets PNG files (files with extension .png, .PNG). If both the --jpeg|--jpeg option
is specified or both options are not specified, both JEPG file and PNG file are targeted.
--verbose Displays the name of the directory being processed, the content of the processing, the name
of the file being processed, and so on. If this option is not specified, only the processing
content is output. Please note that a large amount of output will be displayed if
there is a large number of files in the target directory.
--quality[1-100] Specify the quality of JPEG file and PNG file. You can specify a number from 1-100 after
the option --quarity. If you do not specify the number, 80 is used. If this option is
specified, --resize and --color option operations are not performed unless options are
specified at the same time. If you do not specify the option --quarity, --resize, or
--color, it behaves the same as specifying --quarity 80.
--resize[WIDTHxHIGHT] Specify the maximum size of JPEG/PNG file and resize the image larger than the specified
size while keeping the aspect ratio to the specified size. You can specify width (number)
x height (number) after option --resize. If you do not specify the value, 1280 x 1024 is
used. If this option is specified, --quarity and --color option operations are not per‐
formed unless options are specified at the same time. If you do not specify the option
--quarity, --resize, or --color, it behaves the same as specifying --resize 1280×1024.
--color[1-256] Convert PNG files’s colors to the specified number of index colors. You can specify a
number (1-256) after option --color. If you do not specify the number, 256 is used. If this
option is specified, --quarity and --resize option operations are not performed unless
options are specified at the same time. If you do not specify the option --quarity,
--resize, or --color, it behaves the same as specifying --color 256.

--strip Delete comment data (ex. EXIF information) of the JPEG files and reduce the file size.
--owneruser[:group] Execution of kusanagi images rewrites the owner of the target files. This option sets the
owner to replace. When group specifying aftter “:”, Set the group to replace at the same
time. If this option is not specified, kusanagi: kusanagi will be used as the owner and
--mode [octet_value] Execution of kusanagi images rewrites the permissions of the target files. This option
sets the permission to replace to an octal number (ex. 0644). If this option is not speci‐
fied, 0644 is used as the permission.
profile Input profile name.Skip this procedure to continue using current profile.

zabbix [on|off]

Configure the use of Zabbix Version 2.2 agent.
This is an advanced command. You need a separate Zabbix server in order to run it.

Command Line

kusanagi zabbix on


on Activates and boots Zabbix Version 2.2 agent
off Shuts down Zabbix Version 2.2 agent

monit [on|off|config]

(KUSANAGI 7.8.3 or higher)
Enable or disable system monitoring with monit. On is setting by default.

Command Line

kusanagi monit on

no parameter Show the current status of monit(on/off)
on enable monit
off disable monit
config create the configuration file of monit