KUSANAGI 9 update 9.6.0-1

KUSANAGI 9 update 9.6.0-1

KUSANAGI 9 update has been released.

Added --basicauthuser and --basicauthpass options to add a Basic authentication user and password in the kusanagi init command.
If omitted, the user is kusanagi and the password is the password of the kusanagi user.

Basic authentication is enabled by default on the WordPress admin page when you provision a new WordPress with the kusanagi provision command.
In case Basic authentication user and password have not been added by kusanagi init command, please add the user and password by htpasswd command separately.

# htpasswd /home/kusanagi/.htpasswd username

The default MariaDB for initial configuration with the kusanagi init command has been switched to MariaDB 10.6.
If you would like to initialize with MariaDB 10.5, specify --mariadb10.5 in the kusanagi init command.
To upgrade from MariaDB 10.5 to MariaDB 10.6, use the kusanagi upgrade mariadb command.
Note that it is not possible to downgrade from MariaDB 10.6 to MariaDB 10.5.

Requirements for strings that can be specified with the --passwd and --phrase options of the kusanagi init command have become more strict.

Requirements for strings specified in the --title, --adminuser, and --adminpass options of the kusanagi provision command have become more strict.

Options --dbname, --dbuser, and --dbpass of the kusanagi provision command have been changed from mandatory to optional.
If they are omitted, they become auto-generated strings.
The auto-generated strings will be displayed on the screen.
Be sure to note the auto-generated string on the spot. It cannot be displayed again.

You can apply the module update with the following command:

# dnf upgrade

The specification for Nginx has been changed since KUSANAGI 9.5.0 release.
For details, please refer to Changes in KUSANAGI 9.5.0 .