KUSANAGI Update 8.4.0
New KUSANAGI deployment features have been added.
As of 8.4.0, the following features are available:
- No longer support TLS1.1 and older version
- Vuls(Vulnerbility scanner)
- Open Source Tripwire (IDS)
- Open Source Tripwire (IDS)
nginx | 1.15.2 (OpenSSL 1.0.2p) |
PHP7 | 7.2.9 (OpenSSL 1.0.2p) |
httpd | 5.1.12 (OpenSSL 1.0.2p) | OpenSSL | 1.0.2p |
TSL1.1 will be disabled when KUSANAGI update.
use the following command to enable WAF
# kusanagi waf on
Note: WAF is available on new provisioned website.
use the following command to enable Vuls
# kusanagi addon install vuls
use the following command to enable Open Source Tripwire
# kusanagi addon install tripwire
use the following command to enable Suricata
# kusanagi addon install suricata
Please check this kusanagi document for details about kusanagi command.
To enable the aforementioned features, execute the following command:
# yum update