KUSANAGI Module Update

KUSANAGI Module Update

KUSANAGI modules have been updated.
The updated modules are as follows:

php 8.1.25-1

To use PHP 8.1, WordPress 5.9 or higher is required.
Also, please make sure that the plugin/theme used is compatible with PHP 8.1.

On the combination of PHP 8.1 and WordPress 6.3, php-fpm may hang up when displaying Administration Screens so that the page cannot be displayed properly.
Therefore, since php 8.1.25-1, the values in /etc/php8.d/extensions/10-opcache.ini have been changed from the following:

opcache.jit = 1254

to the following:

opcache.jit = 1205

The module update can be applied with the following command:

# yum update --enablrepo=remi,remi-php56

If you are using php8, please reboot with the following command:

# kusanagi php8