KUSANAGI 9 update 9.5.2-1

KUSANAGI 9 update 9.5.2-1

KUSANAGI 9 update has been released.

kusanagi provison command can now complete WordPress and Drupal installation.

The kusanagi provison command completes the installation of WordPress and Drupal when the following options are specified.

  • --title
  • --adminuser
  • --adminpass
  • --adminemail (--adminemail is required for WordPress)

For security reasons, it is recommended that you specify the above options and complete the provisioning and installation at the same time, because immediately after WordPress and Drupal are provisioned, anyone will be able to install them.

Note that if the above options are not specified, only provisioning will be performed.
Please continue to install WordPress and Drupal by accessing the site as before.

The default version of Drupal provisioned by the kusanagi provision command has been changed to the latest version of Drupal 10.

Also, the version specified in --drupalversion is now supported for installation.
If --drupalversion=9 or --drupalversion=10 is specified as before, the latest version of Drupal 9 or Drupal 10 will be provisioned, respectively.

You can apply the module update with the following command:

# dnf upgrade

The specification for Nginx has been changed since KUSANAGI 9.5.0 release.
For details, please refer to Changes in KUSANAGI 9.5.0 .