What is a KUSANAGI Profile?

The following is the KUSANAGI concept of profile.
A profile in KUSANAGI refers to a site (FQDN) managed on the target VM.

Managing Profiles on KUSANAGI

KUSANAGI provides several commands to manage information on profiles.

Listing KUSANAGI Profile Names

To check the list of KUSANAGI profile names on the VM, use the "kusanagi list" command.

# kusanagi list
list completed.

Using the "kusanagi provision" command, a list of profile names will be displayed as "any profile name".

kusanagi provision [options] "any profile name"

For more details on the "kusanagi list" command, click here.

Checking Settings on KUSANAGI Profiles

To check settings on a target profile from the profiles in "kusanagi list", use the "kusanagi show" command.

# kusanagi show kusanagi_wp
profile = kusanagi_wp
type = wp
fqdn = www.example.com
dir = /home/kusanagi/kusanagi_wp
dbname = kusanagi_wp
dbuser = kusanagi_wp
dbpass = ********
wplang = ja
mariadb = yes
psql = no
bcache = off
fcache = off
ratelimit = on
show completed.

By specifying the profile name on the "kusanagi show" command in this way, you can check information about the options specified when the target profile was provisioned.
For security reasons, the password will not be disclosed, please be sure to write it down when using "kusanagi provision".

For more details on the "kusanagi show" command, click here.

Provisioning Multiple Profiles on a VM

What if I want to provision a different profile (website) than the one already deployed on the VM?
It's easy, just run "kusanagi provision" with the new profile name.

# kusanagi list
list completed.
# kusanagi provision --mt --fqdn www.example-mt.com --noemail --dbname kusanagi_mt --dbuser kusanagi_mt --dbpass "password" kusanagi_mt


Provisioning of kusanagi_mt completed. Access www.example-mt.com and install mt.
provison completed.
# kusanagi list
list completed.

In this way, a new profile (website) can be provisioned.
If you want to deploy another CMS on the same VM or another website on the same CMS, you can run "kusanagi provision" to deploy multiple profiles.

CMSs that Can be Provisioned with KUSANAGI

The following CMSs can be deployed with "kusanagi provision".

  • WordPress (--wp option)
    • The WordPress language can be specified using the "--wplang" option.
    • The WordPress version can be specified using the "--wpversion" option.
  • Movable Type 7/8 (--mt option)
    • The "--package" option can be used to specify the Movable Type package files to be provisioned.
  • Drupal 9/10 (--drupal option)
    • The Durpal version to be installed can be specified using the "--drupalversion" option.
      Version 9 or version 10 can be specified.

If you want to build your own CMS without installing any of the above CMS, or if you want to build a CMS differing to those above, the following options are available.

  • --lamp option
    Settings should only be provisioned with LAMP (Linux+Apache HTTPD+MariaDB+PHP) or LEMP(Linux+NGINX+MariaDB+PHP).
  • --fcgi option
    Provision only LAMP or LEMP configurations that can use Perl CGI.

For more details on the "kusanagi provision" command, click here.