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Provisions CMS, including WordPress.
Creates a profile for using WordPress, etc. on KUSANAGI.
This will provision (deploy) the web server configuration, document root, etc.


kusanagi provision --wp --fqdn host.example.com --email saya@example.com --dbname kusanagi_html --dbuser kusanagi_html --dbpass kusanagi_passwd kusanagi_html


CMS (Required)

--wp | --WordPress | --lamp | --LAMP | --fcgi | --FCGI | --mt | --MT | --MovableType | --drupal | --Drupal

Specifying "--wp" or "--WordPress" will provision WordPress.
Specifying "--lamp" or "--LAMP" will only provision the configuration for use with LAMP (Linux+Apache HTTPD+MariaDB+PHP) or LEMP (Linux+NGINX+MariaDB+PHP).
Specifying "--fcgi" or "--FCGI" will only provision LAMP or LEMP configurations that can use Perl CGI.
If "--mt", "--MT" or "--MovableType" are specified, only the settings for Movable Type will be provisioned. To provision Movable Type simultaneously, specify "--package" as described below.
Specifying "--drupal" or "--Drupal" will provision Drupal.
One of the following "--wp", "--WordPress", "--lamp", "--LAMP", "--fcgi", "--FCGI", "--mt", "--MT", "--MovableType", "--drupal", or "--Drupal" must be specified.
The following "--wp", "--WordPress", "--lamp", "--LAMP", "--fcgi", "--FCGI", "--mt", "--MT", "--MovableType", "--drupal", or "--Drupal" cannot be specified at the same time.

Host Name (FQDN) (Required)

--fqdn "host name"

Sets the host name (FQDN) to be used for the profile you are creating.
The specified hostname will be set in the web server configuration file and in the "/etc/hosts" file.
"--fqdn" is required.

Email Address (Required)

--email "email address" | --noemail | --no-email

If "--email" is specified, an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt will be issued using the specified e-mail address.
If "--noemail" or "--no-email" is specified, an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt will not be issued.
One of the following, "--email", "--noemail", or "--no-email" must be specified.
More than one of the following, "--email", "--noemail", or "--no-email" cannot be specified at the same time.

Database Name (Required)

--dbname "database name"

Creates a new database with the specified database name.
The database name must be a string of 3 to 64 characters consisting of a combination of "A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, ., _, -".
"--dbname" is required.

DB User Name (Required)

--dbuser "DB username"

Specify the DB user name to access the newly created database.
The DB user name must be a string of 3 to 16 characters consisting of a combination of "A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, ., _, -".
"--dbuser" is required.

DB Password (Required)

--dbpass "DB password"

Sets the specified password as the password for the DB user.
For the DB password, please specify a string of 8 or more characters consisting of a combination of "A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, ., !, #, %, +, _, -".
"--dbpass" must be specified.

Adding a Host Name (FQDN) with "www"


Default: Not specified (Automatic Detection)

Explicitly add and configure a host name (FQDN) with "www".
The default is automatically determined based on whether the FQDN is a zone APEX or not.

WordPress Language

[--wplang {en_US|ja}]

Default: ja

Valid only when provisioning WordPress.
If you specify "--wplang en_US", you can select your language when installing WordPress.
If you specify "--wplang ja", the Japanese version of WordPress will be installed.

WordPress Version

[--wpversion {version|latest}]

Default: latest (The latest version)

Valid only when provisioning WordPress.
Specifies which version of WordPress to install.
You can check versions through the following link.
"--wplang latest" will install the latest version.

Movable Type Package File

[--package "package file path"]

Default: not specified (Package not provisioned)

Valid only when provisioning Movable Type.
Specifies the file path of the Movable Type package to be provisioned.
Both "zip" and "tar.gz" formats are supported.

Drupal Version

[--drupalversion {9|10}]

Default : Version 9

Valid only when provisioning Drupal.
Specifies the version of Drupal to install.
Either version 9 or 10.

Profile Name (Required)


Specify any profile name.
The profile name must be a string of 3 to 24 characters consisting of a combination of "A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, ., _, -".
Specifying a profile name is required.