dbinit psql
You can change, select, or optimize the database used by KUSANAGI.
kusanagi dbinit psql --use psql13
kusanagi dbinit psql
(No options)
Optimizes database settings.
Execute this subcommand if you change the instance settings after setting up KUSANAGI.
Database Server
[--use {installed | psql13 | psql14 | psql15 | psql16}]
Default: installed
Specify the database server to be used. When one of the following Database versions is specified, it will start running.
- --use installed: currently installed PostgreSQL
- --use psql13: PostgreSQL 13
- --use psql14: PostgreSQL 14
- --use psql15: PostgreSQL 15
- --use psql16: PostgreSQL 16
PostgreSQL "root" Password
[--dbrootpass "password"]
Sets the specified password as the PostgreSQL root password.
For this password, please specify a string of 8 or more characters consisting of a combination of "A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, ., !, #, %, +, _, -".
If not specified, the password will not be changed.
# kusanagi dbinit psql
dbinit completed.