Registers KUSANAGI Virtual Machines to KUSANAGI App.
Registering KUSANAGI Virtual Machines with KUSANAGI App streamlines the operation of KUSANAGI Virtual Machines, such as receiving audits and reports by e-mail.
To use the commands, an account must be created in KUSANAGI App in advance.
To create an account on KUSANAGI App, please refer to KUSANAGI Security Edition Quick Start 【TBD】.
kusanagi register --account example@example.con --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Email Address of the account on KUSANAGI App (Required)
--account "email address"
Specify the email address of the account on KUSANAGI App.
"--account" is required.
Token of the account on KUSANAGI App (Required)
--token "account token"
Specify the token issued by KUSANAGI App account for the platform of KUSANAGI Virtual Machine.
If the specified token is a token for another platform, an error will occur.
"--token" is required.
# kusanagi register --account --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
security credential created.
register completed.